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So far Paul Hagen has created 8 blog entries.

Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Intubation

Also known as tracheal intubation, intubation is a procedure that involves inserting a tube down a patient’s throat and into their windpipe to allow air in and out of the lungs. Intubation by ENT surgeons is often carried out when a patient cannot breathe on their own. It is done to keep a patient’s [...]

Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Intubation2021-11-15T14:55:21+00:00

Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Emergency Front‐of‐Neck Airway Access

A can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate (CICO) event is one of the most dreadful medical emergencies. This life-threatening situation commonly occurs in emergency rooms and ICUs as a result of failed airway management. CICO events can be fatal if not managed quickly and correctly, as they can lead to death or brain damage due to [...]

Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Emergency Front‐of‐Neck Airway Access2021-11-10T22:02:26+00:00

Four Benefits of Our Surgical Bougies

Four Benefits of Our Surgical Bougies Easy to Use and Safe Medical Devices At Adroit Surgical, we offer a variety of medical device products that are changing the current standards in care. Our surgical bougies are designed to be easy to use, safer, and effective. Whether you are an EMT, [...]

Four Benefits of Our Surgical Bougies2021-08-13T15:19:09+00:00

Four Benefits of Our Vie Scope® Kit

At Adroit Surgical, we offer a variety of medical devices that are safe, easy to use, and effective. Our medical devices have changed the standards of care and provide doctors, emergency responders, and other medical professionals with the equipment they need to provide the best possible care. Our Vie Scope® Kit comes with our [...]

Four Benefits of Our Vie Scope® Kit2021-08-12T16:45:01+00:00

Behind the Vie Scope® Technology

When it comes to difficult intubation situations for EMT-Ps, combat medics, anesthesiologists, and ER doctors, it’s important to have a tool that offers a clear line of sight and successful intubation on the first pass.  That’s where our patented Vie Scope® comes in. Want a powerful intubation tool that fits in your pocket? Work with [...]

Behind the Vie Scope® Technology2021-09-10T23:39:11+00:00

What’s in Your Pocket for Difficult Airway Management?

Have you ever been in the operating room for a routine elective case, but the intubation was anything but routine? Did you have to use a video laryngoscope (VL) or some other device, call for help, abandon the case, or perform an emergency cricothyroidotomy? Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens every day in every [...]

What’s in Your Pocket for Difficult Airway Management?2021-09-10T23:48:50+00:00

Using Our Intubation Training Kit

When it comes to intubation in emergency situations, it’s important to have intubation equipment that allows you to quickly and safely secure the airway.  At Adroit Surgical, we developed a patented method for securing difficult airways for EMTs, combat medics, anesthesiologists, ER doctors, and other medical professionals. Our Vie Scope® is a battery-operated, single-use, disposable [...]

Using Our Intubation Training Kit2021-05-29T00:00:48+00:00

Difficult Airway Management for Paramedics

Paramedics of the world unite! When it comes to emergency situations, paramedics are usually the first people to arrive on the scene. This means that they’re the first ones to assess the situation and assist with difficult airway management.  We know that one of the most critical situations you can encounter as a paramedic is [...]

Difficult Airway Management for Paramedics2021-05-07T13:49:15+00:00
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