Successful Intubation in Critical Care Patients Should NOT be a Coin Toss!
Szarpak et al. found in their independent prospective randomized clinical study that successful #intubation first-pass success (FPS) by paramedics using a Macintosh laryngoscope was a fraction better than a coin-toss, 51.1%!
This contrasts with 93.3% FPS using the #viescope, a bougie introducer.
Circumstances in which this study was performed requires explanation as it is the first clinical study that clearly demonstrates the superiority of the Vie Scope® over a Mac blade with stylet in adverse #prehospital environments.
The study was conducted during a #covid wave, and all paramedics were wearing FULL BODY #ppe. In addition, they were intubating patients requiring ACTIVE #cpr. Even though they had received only a few hours of training on use of the Vie Scope®, they still achieved a 93.3% FPS in half the time (49sec) compared to 97sec using the Macintosh laryngoscope. All paramedics in this study had been using the Mac blade for years.

There were NO complications in the Vie Scope® group. Three patients died in the Macintosh group.
This landmark study has shown that with minimal training, practitioners of intubation can achieve nearly 100% intubation FPS – a bar set by many #medical organizations. Despite years of practice, #simulation #training, courses, and so on, paramedics’ use of a ‘difficult’ device such as a Macintosh laryngoscope was as successful as choosing ‘heads’ with a coin flip. This should not be tolerated, but unfortunately, it is.
For years #ems, #emergencymedicine, and #criticalcare healthcare workers have had dealt with #difficultairway using poor equipment in tough circumstances. The push to have EMS use video laryngoscopy (VL) has been a fallacy. Most cannot afford it and VL requires years of frequent practice to become somewhat proficient. Improved VL FPS has not been borne out for everyone. Removal of #endotracheal intubation (ETI), the airway gold standard, instead of figuring out how to achieve successful ETI is a patient disservice.
Successful intubation FPS using the Vie Scope® has EVERYTHING to do with the device itself. The Vie Scope® is EASY to learn and use by anyone for everyone.
The Vie Scope® is the FIRST airway device that will make a significant patient care impact. Once you trial the device, you will know why. We can reach 100% success.
Read the full study here: