There is an Economic Burden from Difficult Intubation

Moucharite et al. in their analysis noted that difficult intubation patients cost the health system $14,468 more than non-difficult intubation patients ($4029).

The difficult intubation patient required a longer mean length of stays in hospital and ICU of 3.8 and 2.0 days, respectively. A significant risk factor for difficult intubation is OBESITY.

It should be noted that 93% of difficult intubations are UNANTICIPATED and 46% occur in elective cases.

The authors note “…research highlights a need for clinicians who perform tracheal intubation to carefully consider options that could improve the chances of successful intubation on the first attempt.”

Despite the many devices we have, the difficult intubation patient is still not being adequately managed.

Until now.

Read the research here: Factors and Economic Outcomes Associated with Documented Difficult Intubation in the United States