Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Intubation

Also known as tracheal intubation, intubation is a procedure that involves inserting a tube down a patient’s throat and into their windpipe to allow air in and out of the lungs. Intubation by ENT surgeons is often carried out when a patient cannot breathe on their own. It is done to keep a patient’s [...]

Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Intubation2021-11-15T14:55:21+00:00

Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Emergency Front‐of‐Neck Airway Access

A can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate (CICO) event is one of the most dreadful medical emergencies. This life-threatening situation commonly occurs in emergency rooms and ICUs as a result of failed airway management. CICO events can be fatal if not managed quickly and correctly, as they can lead to death or brain damage due to [...]

Vie Scope® Assists ENT Surgeons with Emergency Front‐of‐Neck Airway Access2021-11-10T22:02:26+00:00
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