Revolutionizing Military Airway Care: Beyond the Norm

Did you realize that the military's airway management guidelines for injured soldiers lack a crucial element – the use of an endotracheal tube (ETT) for a definitive airway?Enter the Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) protocol, guiding medical personnel through airway challenges for wounded soldiers:"Unconscious casualty without airway obstruction:Position the casualty for recoveryExecute a chin lift [...]

Revolutionizing Military Airway Care: Beyond the Norm2023-08-18T16:33:56+00:00

What’s in Your Pocket for Difficult Airway Management?

Have you ever been in the operating room for a routine elective case, but the intubation was anything but routine? Did you have to use a video laryngoscope (VL) or some other device, call for help, abandon the case, or perform an emergency cricothyroidotomy? Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens every day in every [...]

What’s in Your Pocket for Difficult Airway Management?2021-09-10T23:48:50+00:00

Difficult Airway Management for Paramedics

Paramedics of the world unite! When it comes to emergency situations, paramedics are usually the first people to arrive on the scene. This means that they’re the first ones to assess the situation and assist with difficult airway management.  We know that one of the most critical situations you can encounter as a paramedic is [...]

Difficult Airway Management for Paramedics2021-05-07T13:49:15+00:00
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